Whiplash is a common injury in Queensland that can occur as a result of a motor vehicle accident.It can be mild, with a quick recovery or it can be more severe.Severe whiplash and failure to diagnose and treat it can result in significant long-term injuries that can lead to long-term disability. Whiplash can often be overlooked as it has a slow onset and many people don’t realise that they have it or that they can claim compensation for it!If you get whiplash from a motor vehicle accident, there’s a good chance that you are entitled to make a claim for compensation.
What is whiplash?
Whiplash is a soft tissue injury of the neck that can occur from a severe jerk to the head, usually from a car accident.The sudden force to the head can stretch and tear the muscles and tendons of your neck causing whiplash.
Symptoms of whiplash
Full whiplash symptoms generally only appear a few days after the accident. They can include:
- Pain in the neck
- Reduced movement of the neck
- Tightness of the neck
- Pain when rocking head side to side
- Pain or stiffness when moving your head to look over your shoulder
- Tenderness of the neck
- Headaches
Long-term effects of whiplash
- The symptoms of whiplash can last days to months to years, depending on the severity of the accident.
- Whiplash that lasts more than 6 months is considered to be chronic whiplash and is usually treated with medications, physiotherapy, and rest.
- Severe whiplash injury can lead to osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis in the long term.
Action to take
- If you think that you have whiplash, see your doctor as soon as possible after the car accident.
- If you have been injured in an accident on the road in Queensland, it is likely that you are entitled to make a claim for compensation.
- If your whiplash injury was severe, you may need to take time off work which will reduce your ability to earn money.There may also be a lot of medical costs to pay for.A Compensation Lawyer will ensure that you get the compensation that you are entitled to.
- Contact a Compensation Lawyer in Townsville Queensland to find out if you are entitled to make a claim for compensation.
- Townsville Compensation Lawyers provide a free initial no obligation consultation. Our Lawyers can talk to you over the phone, at your home or you can come into our Townsville office.Our team of experienced Lawyers have been helping the local people of Townsville with their compensation claimsfor many years.
Townsville Compensation Lawyers
1/15 Spence St, Townsville